Formation à l'assurance inclusive
Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Rabat, Morocco
From 18-22th of June, supervisors from French-speaking Africa came together in Rabat, Morocco for a training programme that went over the fundamentals of supervising inclusive insurance markets. The training was jointly organised by the A2ii, the Toronto Centre, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, and the Moroccan supervisory authority (ACAPS).
Participants welcomed the training with great engagement, with over 15 African countries represented. Supervisors enjoyed expert presentations that covered a core curriculum, but they also exchanged experiences from their own countries and worked together to propose concrete next steps in their own countries, including the interpersonal challenges that they might be faced with.
The A2ii is pleased to see this format enjoying such success, and to have the opportunity to work closely with French-speaking insurance supervisors. The A2ii, Toronto Centre and IAIS frequently partner to deliver these trainings, with the next one happening in November in Vilnius, Lithuania (more information can be found here).