Proportionate regulation
We produce reports, policy notes and briefing sheets to inform insurance supervisors/regulators and policy makers on key inclusive insurance topics
Proportionate Regulation
Proportionate Regulation
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Reports, Proportionate Regulation, National Financial Inclusion Strategies, Market Development, CEE and Central Asia | 2021
This landmark study on inclusive insurance in the CEET region seeks to better define the current stage of the market and to address potential growth opportunities. Through March and April 2021, the

Presentations, Reports, Proportionate Regulation, Global | 2018
This call that took place on 24 May 2018, dealt with supervisory ratios in insurance supervision, particularly in relation to client value and product cost structures. A record number of 89

Presentations, Reports, Fraud, Global | 2018
Insurance fraud is a phenomenon that every supervisory authority comes into contact with sooner or later, and if left unchecked it can seriously harm the health of the insurance market. On this

Reports, Licensing and Formalisation, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2018
This Supervisory Dialogue event provided an overview of how informality is affecting insurance markets, examined the risks and focused on the challenges faced by insurance supervisors as a result. The

Presentations, Reports, Disclosure of Information, Global | 2017
O n this call, we examined the practical aspects of proportional disclosure regulation, which can encourage the industry to offer inclusive insurance while ensuring consumer protection. This call also