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Actualidades | 2021

Leadership and Diversity Program for Regulators: Scholarship opportunity by A2ii and the InsuResilience Global Partnership

Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) together with InsuResilience Global Partnership are once again jointly sponsoring the participation of insurance supervisors, with each including a high-potential women from their authorities in the Leadership and Diversity Program for Regulators, taught by Women's World Banking and faculty from Oxford University’s Saïd Business School. In 2021, the scholarship will cover six applications. 

The programme is intended to support insurance supervisors and regulators in developing policies that close the gender gap in inclusive insurance and in developing women’s leadership capacity in regulatory organisations.


Description of the training 

The virtual, 16-week global leadership program, taught by Women’s World Banking and faculty from Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, brings together senior officials from central banks and other regulatory agencies and high-potential women from their respective institutions.  

The participating regulator will nominate a team of a senior official and a high-potential woman official from the agency. During the program, the senior official identifies a policy initiative to sponsor at their institution related to serving the women’s market and will work with their high-potential woman leader to implement it, while simultaneously supporting her professional development during and after the program. 

The program involves a series of interactive live online sessions, individual and group assignments, peer action learning and expert consultation opportunities. Each senior official identifies a policy initiative to advance women’s financial inclusion. 

Please note that the Programme is in English. 

The virtual program begins in April 2021. The details on the course are accessible here.


What will participants gain?

With expertise from Women’s World Banking and Oxford Said Business School’s world-class faculty, participants will gain: 

- Leadership Skills: Learn core skills such as change management, influence, emotional intelligence, and unconscious bias. 

- Women’s Financial Inclusion Knowledge: Understand global challenges and best practices in gender-inclusive policy design and execution. 

- A Global Network: Engage in an action learning methodology that leverages peer-to-peer learning and support.


Eligibility criteria

Senior official 

- Senior officials from central banks and other regulatory agencies in emerging markets 
- Member of executive/senior management team or leads a regulatory division 

High-potential woman leader 

- Mid-level professional, 5-10 years of experience 
- Eligible for promotion to the next level of leadership or for broadening their role significantly 
- Has demonstrated the ability to lead people in the organisation 
- Motivated to take on new leadership challenges and opportunities 
- Teams' managers preferred but not required 

Both participants

Commitment to: 
- Advance an inclusive policy initiative 
- Cultivate and foster an active sponsorship relationship 
- Active participation in online sessions, 
- Peer learning 
- Proficiency in written and spoken English


Key requirements for obtaining the scholarship

- The applicant insurance regulators need to nominate up to one to two senior personnel (e.g. directors, deputy directors, senior regulators etc.) and one to two high potential women leaders from their Organisation. 

- Commitment to the development of gender-inclusive policy for inclusive insurance in their jurisdiction. 

- Ability to commit to a 16-week long program with multiple virtual touch points. 

- Willing to engage and contribute to the InsuResilience Global Partnership and A2ii Annual Report on progress including overall feedback on participation in the course.


What the sponsorship covers

The joint A2ii-InsuResilience Global Partnership Secretariat scholarship will cover the program fee for the duration of the Leadership Program, including tuition and one-on-one advisory support for two participants per institution (senior official and high-potential woman leader). 

Additionally, there may be opportunity to access customised, one-on-one coaching for policy implementation after the successful completion of the program after the completion of the program.



Please send in an email to express your interest to and with the subject line: “Scholarship: Leadership and Diversity Program for Regulators” by the 1st of March 2021

The A2ii would like to thank the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) for making these sponsorships possible.

We thank our core funders, the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands (DGIS), for their continued support to our mission.

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