Monitoring and KPIs
Monitoring and KPIs
Monitoring and KPIs
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Reports, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2024
Click here to watch the recording of the launch event in English or Spanish. Author: Regina Simões “Microinsurance regulations” or “inclusive insurance regulations” have been in place in many

Reports, Monitoring and KPIs, Africa, MENA | 2020
This paper provides an overview of how supervisors in Sub-Saharan Africa are collecting and using KPIs in their work today, against a backdrop of evolving supervisory mandates and responsibilities. It

Reports, Monitoring and KPIs, Global | 2019
Key Performance Indicators are a powerful tool for supervisors to regularly evaluate the development, soundness and appropriateness of the inclusive insurance sector. ICP 9 on Supervisory Review and

Presentations, Reports, Monitoring and KPIs, Global | 2017
The insurance penetration rate is traditionally calculated based on total premiums as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This has served as a useful high-level measure of insurance

Reports, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2017
The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) through its Impact Insurance Facility (IIF) have commissioned this study to assess the impact of