Evaluaciones de países
Evaluaciones de países
Evaluaciones de países
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Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África, Medio Oriente y norte de África | 2013
With a view to improving the employment situation, particularly with regard to young people, the Algerian Government is committed to promoting the development of a competitive private sector, with a

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Asia y el pacifico | 2013
This report summarises the current regulatory framework relevant to microinsurance in Thailand and analyses the implications of the current regulatory context for the development of inclusive

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África | 2013
This report was commissioned by the Office of The Registrar of Insurance and Retirement Funds (RIRF) in Swaziland. The report sets out to provide an overview of the supply, demand and regulatory

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África | 2013
This is Document 1 in a series of 8 documents that together comprise the findings of the Tanzania Access to Insurance Diagnostic. The series consists of one headline findings summary document and