Nous produisons des rapports, des notes de politique et des fiches d'information pour informer les superviseurs/régulateurs et les décideurs en matière d'assurance sur des sujets clés de l'assurance inclusive.
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11.02.2020 | Bulletin
Welcome! In this newsletter, we provide you with updates on the work of the Initiative, events and publications, and experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and supervision across

05.02.2020 | Actualités
What do you consider to be the top emerging risks in your jurisdiction? How would you describe your mandate? Are you interested in sharing good supervisory practices and engaging in peer support? What

23.01.2020 | Rapports et publications
This consultation call on Thursday, 26 September 2019, and explored key issues with regard to cyber threats and incidents in the insurance sector, regulation and supervision of cyber risks as well as

22.01.2020 | Rapports et publications
The final report has been published for the first Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2017/2018. The iii-lab brought together a wide range of stakeholders of the inclusive insurance sector from four

21.01.2020 | Actualités
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has in December 2019 issued the SECP Regulatory Sandbox Guidelines, 2019 for all of its regulated sectors, which include insurance, capital