Nous produisons des rapports, des notes de politique et des fiches d'information pour informer les superviseurs/régulateurs et les décideurs en matière d'assurance sur des sujets clés de l'assurance inclusive.
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All News
156 posts | Page 8 of 32

06.01.2020 | Bulletin
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2020! In our opening message, we present an overview of what A2ii has in store for the upcoming year, and as always, we also provide you with updates on the work of

12.12.2019 | Bulletin
Welcome to our last newsletter of 2019! In our opening message, we take a look back at the highlights of the last year, and as always, we also provide you with updates on the work of the Initiative

29.11.2019 | Actualités
Access to Insurance Initiative will be supporting one insurance supervisor with a scholarship for the Microinsurance Master 10 week long programme scheduled to start on 2 March 2020 in Johannesburg

12.11.2019 | Actualités
What is ICP SAT and how does it work? The ICP Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) is a joint initiative of the IAIS and the A2ii. It uses the analytic tools from the Peer Review Process (the self-assessment

11.11.2019 | Rapports et publications
The Roundtable on “Insurance for Women: Specific Needs and Inclusion”, jointly organised by the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), with the