Regina Simões
Regina is the A2ii Regional Coordinator for Latin America. From 1994-2015, Regina worked at the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), the Brazilian Insurance Supervisor. As the International Relations Coordinator (2004-2008), she liaised with international bodies and supervisory associations and was member of the Brazilian Delegations at the Financial Services Group Meetings in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Insurance Commission/SGT-4 at Mercosul. Since 2006, she has been engaged in financial inclusion activities, being member of relevant working groups, incluiding the IAIS Financial Inclusion Sub-committee and the SUSEP Microinsurance Working Group, which set up microinsurance rules in Brazil. Member of the IAIS-MIN Joint Working Group on Microinsurance (Acting Chair from 2008-2012), she strongly supported the creation of the A2ii, launched in 2009, in Rio de Janeiro.
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