Proportionate regulation
We produce reports, policy notes and briefing sheets to inform insurance supervisors/regulators and policy makers on key inclusive insurance topics
Proportionate Regulation
Proportionate Regulation
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Presentations, Reports, Reinsurance, Global | 2017
In response to requests from the IAIS Executive Committee as well as Latin American supervisors the next A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call will be on the topic of reinsurance. The call focused on

Reports, Proportionate Regulation, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2017
Drawing on the experiences of Ghana, Mexico and the Philippines, the report “Proportionality in practice: Distribution" examines the practical aspects of distribution where insurance supervisors are

Reports, Disclosure of Information, Latin America & the Caribbean, MENA | 2017
The report “Proportionality in practice: disclosure of information” draws on the experiences of Brazil, Pakistan, Peru and El Salvador and examines the practical aspects of the disclosure in which

Reports, Proportionate Regulation, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2016
It is slightly over a decade since the first microinsurance regulations were introduced in India in 2005. With at least 18 insurance supervisors having rolled out microinsurance regulations today, the

Presentations, Reports, Supervision of Intermediaries, Global | 2016
On the topic: Innovative approaches to distribution are important to achieve scale and serve low-income groups that traditionally have not had access to insurance. Large client aggregators such as