We produce reports, policy notes and briefing sheets to inform insurance supervisors/regulators and policy makers on key inclusive insurance topics
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26.01.2023 | News, Reports
A new report on Index insurance best practices for insurance regulators and practitioners in the Pacific Island countries has been published by the Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme

12.01.2023 | News
The IAIS IMF Round Table on RBSIF took place in November 2022 hosted by Peter Windsor, International Monetary Fund, and Suzette Vogelsang, Prudential Authority, South Africa. The recording of the

11.01.2023 | News
The InsuResilience Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions (CoE) together with Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), are once again jointly sponsoring the participation of an insurance

21.12.2022 | Reports
A2ii has published two case studies on gender and inclusive insurance. Innovating for inclusive insurance targeting women customers - involving insurance supervisors in the process To be able to
15.12.2022 | Reports, News
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has acknowledged the importance of digital innovation and, specifically, the role of SupTech in the “new normal”. In this paper, SupTech