We produce reports, policy notes and briefing sheets to inform insurance supervisors/regulators and policy makers on key inclusive insurance topics
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01.08.2019 | Newsletters
Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we update you on the work of the Initiative, inform you about events and publications, and share experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and

12.07.2019 | Reports
Key Performance Indicators are a powerful tool for supervisors to regularly evaluate the development, soundness and appropriateness of the inclusive insurance sector. ICP 9 on Supervisory Review and

01.07.2019 | Newsletters
Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we update you on the work of the Initiative, inform you about events and publications, and share experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and

12.06.2019 | Reports
This consultation call took place on Thursday, 23 May 2019, where from the Toronto Centre and Women’s World Banking explored key issues regarding barriers to access, mainstreaming gender and targeting