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19.08.2022 | A2ii Editorial Team, Manoj Pandey, Laura Moxter Morales | Artificial intelligence, Ethics, Governance, InsurTech, Machine learning

Artificial intelligence and emerging regulatory expectations

Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Machine Learning (ML), is one of the technologies reshaping the financial sector, including insurance. AI has the potential to significantly improve the delivery of financial services to consumers as well as the operational and risk management processes within firms, which can present many opportunities for expanding financial inclusion.
08.03.2022 | A2ii Editorial Team, Manoj Pandey | A2ii, Gender, Mauritius, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDGs

Mainstreaming gender in inclusive insurance – the time is now!

On this International Women's Day, you would likely have read or heard it said that women represent the majority of uninsured in the world. This is widely accepted and is most likely the truth too. Though why do we say it's most likely the truth? We say so because we don’t have the data. We don't have any comprehensive data set on women's access to insurance, both on demand or the supply.
03.03.2022 | Lukas Keller | Covid-19, Health

Expanding access to health insurance in times of crisis and beyond | A2ii-IAIS Public Dialogue

It is hard to see silver linings in the developments of the past 18 months as a global pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world economy, upending millions of lives and livelihoods. Yet, there is reason to hope that the crisis will provide new impetus to progress on several key development objectives, with the expansion of broad-based health coverage rightfully ranking as a leading priority. 
20.12.2021 | Hannah Grant | A2ii, Covid-19

An End-of-Year Message from Hannah Grant, Head of the A2ii Secretariat

There are times when the story of life seems to be on fast forward. The year 2021 has seen scientists rally together to roll out vaccines in record time and power up the fight against the pandemic. Amid growing awareness of the looming climate crisis, we have seen an increased focus on innovation and digitalisation - opening new horizons in both reach and impact.
01.12.2021 | Pascale Lamb | SDGs

Navigating the SDGs | A2ii-IAIS Public Dialogue

When you scrutinise the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their accompanying targets, you will see inclusive growth, food security, climate action and health – among other goals. But what you will not necessarily see is the mechanisms and tools behind those goals that deliver the change needed in order to attain them.